
Bronx Causes of Truck Accidents

When large trucks such as tank trucks, semis, tractor trailers, dump trucks, or concrete trucks are involved in accidents, the likelihood of catastrophic results is considerably higher than when passenger vehicles are involved in accidents. This is particularly the case when the larger commercial truck collides with a much smaller, lighter vehicle such as a car, SUV, or motorcycle. Injuries in such accidents tend to be serious including a spinal cord injury, back injury, head injury, broken bones, internal injuries and even a brain injury. Whether the accident was a car accident, truck accident, or SUV accident, proving negligence in an auto accident frequently boils down to showing that a driver violated a New York traffic law. In instances where the negligent party was driving a large commercial truck the rules are the same. If the driver of the truck violated a law related to operating the truck and as a result caused an accident, then the truck driver or the driver's employer would be liable. However, a lawsuit against a truck driver or a truck company can be very different from a lawsuit against the driver of a car as the laws that apply to the trucking industry are different. If you were injured in a truck accident, it is important that you immediately contact a Bronx Causes of Truck Accidents Lawyer as you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering through a personal injury claim. Furthermore, if during the course of the treatment for your injuries the medical staff commits medical malpractice, the truck driver or trucking company may be required to compensate you for that as well.

Top Causes of Truck Accidents

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the most common causes of large truck accidents include:

Drug use. Drug use is the most common cause of truck accidents. When a driver is under the influence of drugs, the driver’s reaction time to road conditions or other drivers is compromised. Approximately 26% of large truck accidents involved a driver who was under the influence of illicit drugs, while in 18% of accidents over-the-counter medications contributed to the accident.

Speeding. When a driver exceeds the speed limit, the results can be catastrophic. According to the FMCSA, speeding is one of the most common cause of large truck crashes, contributing to 23% of accidents annually.

Blind spots. Truck drivers are trained on checking blind spots and carefully checking all sides of the vehicle before making turns or other maneuvers. Still, many forget their training. In 14% of the accidents, at least one cause was the driver’s failure to check blind spots properly.

Driver fatigue. It is not unusual for truck drivers to drive for long distances without getting adequate rest. According to the FMCSA, driver fatigue contributes to 13% of truck accidents studied.

Pursuing a Claim

When it comes to truck accidents, depending on the facts of the case, there may be several different possible people or entities responsible for the victim’s injuries including:

  • Truck driver
  • Trucking company
  • Person or company that leased the truck from the truck’s owner
  • Manufacturer of a defective par such as the tires or brakes, that may have contributed to the accident
  • Shipper or loader of the truck’s cargo

Truck accidents can be devastating to a victim as well as to the victim’s family. Because of the size and weight of large trucks, even low-impact, low-speed accidents can have catastrophic results. Truck accidents can lead to devastating injuries. Through a personal injury lawsuit, New York law allows you to hold the negligent party responsible for the losses you suffered. Victims who suffer serious injuries in truck accidents have significant medical bills. In addition, because victims of serious injuries often have to miss a great deal of work or are unable to return to work at all, victims have the right to sue for lost wages and loss of earning capacity.

Bronx Causes of Truck Accidents Lawyer

If you were a victim of a truck accident it is important to immediately contact an experienced truck accident attorney. The rules that apply to trucks are complicated and distinguishable from the rules that apply to cars. Thus, it is critical that the lawyer representing you is familiar with the nuances of the laws that apply to truck accidents to ensure that your case receives the best possible outcome. Contact Stephen Bilkis & Associates, PLLC to discuss the details of your case. Our staff is experienced in handling claims resulting from truck accidents, as well as SUV accidents, car accidents, and motorcycle accidents. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case.